Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009


F. Griffel, Al-Ghazali's Philosophical Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).

以下アマゾンで読んだReview とProduct Description を転載させていただきます(下線はわたしが引いたもので、個人的に気になったところです)。

''This work is a detailed examination of Al-Ghazali's position with respect to Greek science and philosophy as it was presented to the Muslim world in the works of Avicenna. In making this examination the author has been able to correct certain misconceptions about Al-Ghazali which have long been held by some Western scholars.''
––Nicholas Heer, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Washington, Seattle

''A highly useful introduction to the life and thought of one of the most important theologians, not only of the Islamic world, but of the world as a whole. Al-Ghazali is an outstanding thinker by any stretch of the imagination, and as the author points out, we still do not know enough about his life. This is an excellent work of scholarship on an important and fascinating philosopher.''
––Oliver Leaman, Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky

Product Description:
The Muslim thinker al-Ghazali (d. 1111) was one of the most influential theologians and philosophers of Islam and has been considered an authority in both Western and Islamic philosophical traditions. Born in northeastern Iran, he held the most prestigious academic post in Islamic theology in Baghdad, only to renounce the position and teach at small schools in the provinces for no money. His contributions to Islamic scholarship range from responding to the challenges of Aristotelian philosophy to creating a new type of Islamic mysticism and integrating both these traditions––falsafa and Sufism––into the Sunni mainstream.
This book offers a comprehensive study of al-Ghazali's life and his understanding of cosmology––how God creates things and events in the world, how human acts relate to God's power, and how the universe is structured. Frank Griffel offers a serious revision of traditional views on al-Ghazali, showing that his most important achievement was the creation of a new rationalist theology in which he transformed the Aristotelian views of thinkers such as Avicenna to accord with intellectual currents that were well-established within Muslim theological discourse. Using the most authoritative sources, including reports from al-Ghazali's students, his contemporaries, and his own letters, Griffel reconstructs every stage in a turbulent career. The al-Ghazali that emerges offers many surprises, particularly on his motives for leaving Baghdad and the nature of his ''seclusion'' afterwards. Griffel demonstrates that al-Ghazali intended to create a new cosmology that moved away from concerns held earlier by Muslim theologians and Arab philosophers. This new theology aimed to provide a framework for the pursuit of the natural sciences and a basis for Islamic science and philosophy to flourish beyond the 12th century.
Al-Ghazali's Philosophical Theology is the most thorough examination to date of this important thinker.

ガザーリー研究におけるここ15年くらい?の傾向として、ガザーリーのアリストテレスやイブン=スィーナーとのつながりに着目するものが多いように思いますが、これもその流れに属する一冊でしょう。Product Description から垣間見る限りでは、ガザーリーの宇宙論が主題だと考えられるので、テーマと議論の方向性はこれ↓

R. Frank, Creation and the Cosmic System: Al-Ghazâlî and Avicenna (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1992)

と共通なんだと思います、未読ですが…(↑ ちなみに 落ちてる!。

ただ、ちょっとすぐに典拠は挙げられないですが、確かGoldziher だかが「ガザーリーによる因果律から偶因論へのシフトが、イスラームにおける自然科学の発展を阻害した」とか何とか、そんなことを結構昔に言っていたような気がしますが(これはもう既に時代遅れの議論なんでしょうかね…?)、Griffel 氏の議論はこれを真っ向から批判するものだと思います。それに ''for Islamic science and philosophy to flourish beyond the 12th century'' とはっきり言い切っているのも、お~、というかんじです。

個人的な印象としては、ガザーリー以降(或いは12 世紀以降)?のイスラーム諸学の捉え方には、大まかに分けて二通りあるように思います。

1. 基本的には凋落の一途を辿る
2. いや、その後にこそギリシア一辺倒の状態から抜け出して、真に「イスラーム的」に展開していくのだ

すごく乱暴な言い方をすれば、前者を主張する人たちはギリシア語(及びラテン語)文献との比較を好んで行い、後者を主張する人たちはギリシア語文献をあまり読まず、神秘主義への傾倒が強い、というかんじがします。しかしこの研究では、ギリシアとのつながり、神秘主義のいずれをも軽視せず、なおかつ12 世紀以降の展開を肯定的に捉えようとしている、という点で何だか面白そうな議論ぽい印象を受けます。わたしの読書不足に起因する勘違いという可能性も大いにありますが、、、

あと、どうでもいいこと(とは言いにくいか…)ですが、Heer 氏ってまだ存命中だったんですね。

Griffel 氏の経歴と業績(一部PDF でDL 可):

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