Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2017


Melvin-Koushki, M. (2016): “Of Islamic Grammatology. Ibu Turka's Lettrist Metaphysics of Light”. In: Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 24, 42-113 [52, note 38].

いま読みかけの上掲論文の当該箇所に、マムルーク朝・ティムール朝・オスマン朝・サファヴィー朝・ムガル朝下でのオカルト諸学の受容を論じた最新の研究が多数挙げられていたため、備忘録としてここにメモしておきます(ただし以下を見ればわかるように、そのうちのかなりの数がまだこの論文刊行時点では forthcoming の状態だったわけですが、それらが現時点ですでに刊行されているのかについては未確認です)。なお、この論文全体の読書メモは、可能なかぎり、読了後にまとめるつもりです。

・オスマン朝の占星術:T. Şen: “Reading the Stars at the Ottoman Court. Bayezid II (r. 1481-1512) and His Celestial Interests”. In: Arabica. [forthcoming]
・ムガル朝の占星術:E. Orthmann (2005): “Circular Motions. Private Pleasures and Public Prognostications in the Nativities of the Mughal Emperor Akbar”. In: G. Oestmann/D. Rutkin/K. von Stuckrad (eds. [2005]): Horoscopes and Public Spheres. Essays on the History of Astrology. Berlin: de Gruyter, 101-14.
・マムルーク朝の錬金術:N. Harris (2017): “Better Religion through Chemistry. Aydemir al-Jildakī and Alchemy unter the Mamluks”. PhD diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania. [forthcoming]
・そのオスマン朝における受容(continuation):T. Artun (2013): “Hearts of Gold and Silver. Production of Alchemical Knowledge in the Early Modern Ottoman World”. PhD diss. Princeton Univ.
・イルハン朝・ティムール朝・ムガル朝・サファヴィー朝の土占い(ʿilm ar-raml):M. Melvin-Koushki (2016): “Persianate Geomancy from Ṭūsī to the Millennium. A Preliminary Survey”. In: N. El-Bizri/E. Orthmann (eds. [2016]): Occult Sciences in Premodern Islamic Culture. Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut.
・マムルーク朝の文字学:J.-Ch. Coulon (2013): “La magie islamique et la ‘corpus bunianum’ au Moyen Âge”. PhD diss. Univ. Paris IV – Sorbonne; N. D. Gardiner (2014): “Esotericism in a Manuscript Culture. Aḥmad al-Būnī and His Readers through the Mamlūk Period”. PhD diss. Univ. of Michigan.
・そのティムール朝における受容:M. Melvin-Koushki (2012): “The Quest for a Universal Science. The Occult Philosophy of Ṣāʾin al-Dīn Turka Iṣfahānī and Intellectual Millenarianism in Early Timurid Iran”. PhD diss. Yale Univ.[過去記事参照]
・オスマン朝の文字学と土占い:C. H. Fleischer (2009): “Ancient Wisdom and New Sciences. Prophecies at the Ottoman Court in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries”. In: M. Farhad/S. Bagci (eds. [2009]): Falnama. The Book of Omens. London: Thames & Hudson, 232-43, 329-30.
・オスマン朝の占星術・文字学・土占い:T. Şen/M. Melvin-Koushki: “Divining Chaldiran. Ottoman Deployments of Astrology, Lettrism and Geomancy in the Ottoman-Safavid Conflict”. [forthcoming]
・オスマン朝のタリスマ衣(talismanic shirts)と夢解釈(ʿilm at-taʿbīr):Ö. Felek: “Fears, Hopes, and Dreams. The Talismanic Shirts of Murād III”. In: Arabica. [forthcoming]
・デカン高原でスルタン位にある者が保持していたタリスマ衣(?: Deccan Sultanate talismanic shirts):R. Muravchick: “Objectifying the Occult. Studying an Islamic Talismanic Shirt as an Embodied Object”. In: Arabica. [forthcoming]
・オスマン朝の人相学:E. Lelić: “ʿIlm-i firāsat and Ottoman Statecraft. Discerning Morality and Justice”. In: Arabica. [forthcoming]
・サファヴィー朝における夢判断、およびさまざまな占いの実践(divinatory practices):K. Babayan (2009): “The Cosmological Order of Things in Early Modern Safavid Iran”. In: M. Farhad/S. Bagci (eds. [2009]): Falnama. The Book of Omens. London: Thames & Hudson, 246-54, 330-31.
・サファヴィー朝の書物占い(bibliomancy):Ch. Gruber (2011): “The ‘Restored’ Shīʿī muṣḥaf as Divine Guide? The Practice of fāl-i Qurʾān in the Ṣafavid Period”. In: Journal of Qurʾanic Studies 13/2, 29-55.
・サファヴィー朝の土占い・文字学・錬金術:M. Melvin-Koushki (2017): “The Occult Sciences in Safavid Iran and Safavid Occultists Abroad”. In. R. Matthee (ed. [2017]): The Safavid World. New York: Routledge. [forthcoming]
・Mangit における文字学:M. Melvin-Koushki/J. Pickett (2016): “Mobilizing Magic. Occultism in Central Asia and the Continuity of High Persianate Culture under Russian Rule”. In: Studia Islamica 111/2, 1-54.

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